Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Why Fluoride Varnish?

The benefits of fluoride varnish can be realized throughout a life time.
Young children are the most vulnerable to getting cavities. As soon as the teeth erupt into the mouth they are exposed to bacteria. Those bacteria then metabolism carbohydrates that you eat and drink. The byproducts produced are acidic in nature and will demineralized  tooth structure. Fluoride varnish will not only help reverse early decay but will help prevent acid dissolution in the future.
In young adults the benefits of a fluoride treatment are geared more towards prevention. The margins surrounding existing crowns and fillings, where bacteria is often harder to remove, will be more vulnerable to the acids and can undermined a restored tooth. 
By mindful homecare and regular professional cleanings with a fluoride varnish, you can lessen the risk of recurring decay. 
In my opinion however, I feel the greatest need for fluoride varnish is when there are a multitude of challenges, often seen  in mature adults. Medications causing dry mouth contribute to the acid environment in the mouth.  With less salivation there is a decreased buffering effect from acids that are formed.  Additionally, bacterial biofilm collecting around restored teeth often at the gum line have a faster pathway into the root of the tooth. The root being less mineralized than the enamel will decay faster and comprom
ise treatment options possibly leading to root canal therapy or extraction.
To make matters worse a weakened immune response and the challenges of improving oral hygiene due to the aging body's increased needs, sets the stage for many adverse possibilities.  
Proactively practicing prevention when you are young, can give you more years of health as you age.

Donna Avakoff, RDH 

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